Friday, April 27, 2012

Milk Teef

After what seems like months of "teething" and drooling - we are finally seeing the supposed tell tale signs that Bub's milk teef are coming in  - white swollen gums, red cheeks, pulling at her ears, LOTS of drooling, putting everything in her mouth and the runny nose.

Poor Bub has been blowing snot bubbles since yesterday afternoon and trying to make the best of it.  We've had some changes in her bowel movements since we've introduced solids so that's been interesting to say the least.  Going 14 days without any er movement to almost every day is not fun.  Especially since I am not one to catch on quick and then stuff moves out of place.  Let's just say she'd give Ann Hathoway a run for her money for most wardrobe changes in a single day.

I think the teething has put a bit of a damper on enjoying solids as well. Yesterday we tried fresh black berries and organic full fat greek yogurt... She made a face but licked up the yogurt which was nice and chunky since i'd strained it. The berries she eyed wearily and mushed a bit but didn't really try.

Later that evening it was steamed asparagus and carrots.  You should see the face she made when sucking on the asparagus - NO THANK YOU.  I think steaming just made them too bitter.  The carrots were okay but again, she just wasn't her chirpy happy self at meal time.

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