Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Babymoon

I'm sorry.  It's been weeks since my last post. But I have a good excuse, N and I were away on a much deserved babymoon.  Not sure where the word was coined first but as the name suggests it is that little honeymoon you take before the baby comes!

In serious need of a vacation, plus the excuse of celebrating my cousin's 30th and N's 36th a group of 8 of us rented a lovely little beach house at Folly Beach, Charleson, SC.  An amazing 5 days of sun, ocean, fine sand beaches and amazing Charleston food.  If you haven't been, I highly recommend it.

Actually I recommend any ocean/beach trip for a babymoon - nothing like having the weight lifted off your shoulders, or more accurately your belly while floating around in the ocean.  Pregnant bodies love the water. Trust me.



Thursday, June 9, 2011

A quickie

Just a quick update after our midwife appt today.

At around 20 weeks or so they start measuring your stomach to see if you are growing appropriately.  Just like that crazy fluke where your foot is the size of your forearm from your wrist to your elbow, the distance from the pelvis to the top of your belly button in centimeters should correlate with how many weeks along you are.

We measured at 21 centimeters and will be 22 weeks tomorrow :)  Ducky has started to flap her wings  big time and was hopping around while the midwife tried to listen to her heartbeat.  He finally settled down enough to let us know that his heart was pounding away at around 150 bpm.

Outside of that there have been some more physical changes, a few more aches and pains but I'll keep that till my next post where I fill you in on ALL the wonderful things that can happen during pregnancy.