Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy 14th NotBornYet Week!

The lima bean turns 14 weeks today.  We had our first appointment with the UNC Midwives on Tuesday and they confirmed that yes, in fact i am not delusional and there is this little mini-neelops growing inside me.  No ultrasound this appointment but we'll have the comprehensive 18 week ultrasound in a few weeks.  They did check the jellybean's heart-rate with a doppler and it was beating at 157 bpms.  Supposedly heart-beats for fetuses can range from 120-170.

Here's a picture of the peanut at 8 1/2 weeks with a whopping 175 beats per minute, moving around like a little spastic Mexican jumping bean!  At that point her appendages hadn't fully developed but you can see the arm nubs. SampleImage

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sweet Little Lima Bean!

    God, I can't wait to start spoiling you :)
