Monday, February 13, 2012

I love google plus

Because ALL of the pics and videos i've taken on my phone automatically uploaded to Google+ from day 1 (i didn't set it up) and thankfully although i am without phone at least i haven't lost a single pic/video of the Bub.

Oh by the way - not pooping for 7+ days is supposedly normal for an exclusively fed breast fed baby.  yeah, right tell that to the Bub.  After 9 days she finally went. Twice.  Unfortunately she still seems to be having gas issues so i'm thinking i need to get back on the gluten-free, dairy-free, legume-free, soy-free regimen.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that pouty lip! Reminds me of Kim. I seem to remember Finn having a similar no-poop episode, we were afraid to leave the house in case he exploded. And then for about a month he'd only go on weekends - totally fantastic for me :)
